Individuals who use narcotics, especially those that are injected, are at serious risk of communicable diseases or accidental death. This is often due to the reuse of needles and the deadly adulterants found in drugs on the street. Harm Reduction is about helping people stay alive long enough to get the treatment they need.

Shoreline believes the need is great in Horry County and is actively working with volunteer groups and local agencies to meet people where they are to get them the care they need. We have begun developing a local harm reduction coalition to that effect. For more information on how to get involved, contact Lauren Anderson at 843-365-8884 ext. 236.

Resources that are immediately available at Shoreline include Narcan and Fentanyl Test Strips at no cost to anyone in Horry County.


Narcan is a brand of naloxone medication approved by the FDA to reverse an opioid overdose. You can get Narcan at your local pharmacy without a prescription or you can visit Shoreline because we are a Community Distributor. Patients, caregivers, and community members can receive two doses of Narcan.

Fentanyl Test Strips

Most people who overdose on a substance do not do it with the intention of dying. Fentanyl has found its way into many illicit substances, either by mixing or cutting, and even small amounts of fentanyl are deadly.  Fentanyl test strips can be used to find out if drugs have been mixed with fentanyl.Note: A negative test result does not mean an individual’s drugs are 100% safe. All unprescribed drug use comes with risks.

Medication Assisted Treatment

Shoreline BHS has partnered with local medical practices to offer Shoreline clients access to primary healthcare and evidence-based Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) services. This treatment approach has been shown to:

  • Improve birth outcomes among women with substance use disorders while pregnant
  • Decrease opiate/opioid use and overdose deaths
  • Increase retention in, and satisfaction with, treatment
  • Improve well-being through effective management of withdrawal symptoms

These medical practices offer two FDA approved drugs for opioid treatment — Suboxone and Vivitrol — and are proven safe and effective, usually combined with counseling and other behavioral intervention strategies. These treatment options show promise in treating addiction by reducing overall drug cravings and managing withdrawal symptoms. For more information on Shoreline’s Medication Assisted Treatment, click here.

For more information on Harm Reduction efforts, please visit SAMSHA and DAODAS.