The South Carolina Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program (ADSAP) is a state-wide education and treatment program for individuals who have incurred a substance-related driving offense. All persons who meet this criteria must successfully complete ADSAP to regain their driving privileges. Each person will be assessed individually to determine their needs regarding reducing their risk of future substance-related problems. The amount of time it takes to complete ADSAP depends on treatment recommendations, progress, and payment of all fees associated with the program within one year of enrollment. Out of state DUI offenders can also be serviced by this program, and they are encouraged to contact the DMV in the state where the driving offense occurred regarding requirements for license reinstatement, as it might differ from South Carolina.

  • For more information, please contact our office at (843) 365-8884 and our staff will tell you everything you need to know to complete this process.

Shoreline Behavioral Health Services is a SC Certified ADSAP Provider and will help you during each step of the process.  For more information you can click here for a brochure from DAODAS or you can go straight to their website here.


PRIME For Life is an alcohol and drug education program, for ADSAP clients, designed to gently but powerfully challenge common beliefs and attitudes that directly contribute to high-risk alcohol and drug use. The program goals are to reduce the risk for health problems and impairment problems by focusing on choices and behavior change. PRI is researched-based and has been proven to promote change.